- the zip
- the bold print
- the length (too scared to be a full corset, but just enough courage to make it halfway there!)
- the moulded cup
- boning
ps we're putting this under affordable fashion too, only £20.
- Gill & Christine.
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Haters tryin to jack my scrilla, shorty be trippin! I'll deck out me hoes wit dat shiz be sure to score me sum benjamin franklins.
Um...I really hope that comment was from Christine, otherwise it looks like we've got some interesting fans..
Ani and Gill,
I apologise for my boyfriend.
He is sick. (and not fully sick)
x Christine
well thats one mystery solved!
Your boyfriend is hilarious!
But I now am in doubt over his "centrelink" payments and wonder if he is truly getting his "benjamin franklins" from his decked out hoes? Dodgy Pimp Joel... :P
ps ani, what say you on the bralet?
im in hate with the pattern :) BUT I LOVE THESE LITTLE BRALET THINGS i propose a challenge that u show me how I would wear one :)
iv posted above the ones you might choose for me :)
hahah you have a 90s themed fashion death wish ani
thats y u love me :) a challenge is a challenge gill
Ladies, does anyone of you need soemthing from Topshop while I happen to just be in London? Any girls here that want to be spoiled? Can do! ;-)
showing off much?
and the only girl you'll be spoiling is me, thank you very much! and while you're on the topic a nice welcome to germany present is a pair of Louboutins. Ta,love. X
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