It's never been a very big deal if you are a guy and you go grey:

And there have been a number of classy ladies who have done that ultra-ultra-blonde shade which hints at grey as they mature:

But we've been seeing more and more celebrities hints of their grey strands and regrowth...

...and most recently a few of the younger crowd have just gone all out grey:

Although I think Kelly Osbourne heard old lady hair was in and thought that included a blue rinse:

What do you think? Yes? No? Would you do this if you went grey? Would you do this on purpose? Do you think Kelly's the only one who has got it right? Or are you too distracted by her boring cotton bra hanging out?
i think it looks awesome and if my hair didn't throw off so much red and alternatively yellow i would have grey hair like ruby rose! not the shaved bit just the color...
also here is a recent article on that model you posted...shes 45!!!!!!!!!!!
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